My Best Back to School Tip

 Hey Friends!  
Thanks for stopping by my blog!  I'm so glad to have you here.  Today I'm linking up with Pop Into Primary and Hanging Around in Primary to share my best Back to School tip.  
It's hard to pick just one thing, but I've narrowed it down to something that I come back to time and again.  
New Student Bags
Displaying IMG_7353.JPG
We have a somewhat transient population at my school, so it's nothing for me to get anywhere between 4 and 8 new students throughout the school year.  You know how that can be, a little stressful and definitely a whole lot of work.   Sometimes I know a few days in advance, but many times I only find out the day before my new student arrives.  

To make things easier, I make up new student bags in the beginning of the year.  I use gallon sized Ziploc bags.  I include everything that my students have in their pencil boxes and important forms for parents.  
That means...
  • 3 pencils
  • an eraser
  • a glue stick
  • crayons
  • scissors
  • a highlighter
  • an Expo marker
  • colored pencils
  • markers
  • a lunch stick
  • folders for each subject
  • take home folder
  • math and literacy notebooks
  • my parent handbook
  • letter about Remind 101 (linked to freebie in my TPT store)
  • a magnet with my contact information on it
This all seems very simple, but it's really a life saver when I get a new student at the last minute.  I don't have to race around gathering supplies.  It takes me a few minutes to make a name label for his or her locker.  My students have numbers, so the rest is easy.  I keep many things like book boxes numbered from year to year.

Sorry for the lack of authentic photos here today.  I don't have any of my bags here at home, and we're not allowed into our building until August 17th.  I'm dying to get in!!!  Everyone's room set-up photos are making me jealous. 

 Thanks to Katie and Christina for hosting the Linky Party.  Pop over to their blogs to check out some of the other teachers that have linked up.  There are so many fantastic ideas!
Hanging Around In Primary    & Pop into Primary

Tips for Boxing Up and Moving Your Classroom

Hey Friends!
This year, I am moving from third grade to second grade.  I requested the move when a position became available, but it wasn't approved until after school left out.  I had packed up my room the normal end-of-the year way when I left in June.  Nothing was in boxes, it was just all put away.

Last week, I had to go into pack up my room so that the custodians could move it for me.  This is not my first move.  In fact, over the past 10 years I've moved classrooms 4 other times, so this was nothing new. Throughout those moves, I've learned a lot about packing and moving efficiently.  This is crucial, because you never know how long you may or may not have to prepare your new room for the year.  Below I have a few of my best tips for packing and moving classrooms.

1. Get your boxes ready before you start clearing things out.  You'll fill up boxes faster than you think, and it's a big pain the rump to put together boxes when you're on a roll.  It's so easy if you have a big pile of boxes to grab from as you need them.  Use one of those packing tape rollers with the easy tear blade.  (I forgot to snap a photo of mine, sorry!)

2. Invest in large Rubbermaid tubs.  These are fantastic for moving large items that aren't box friendly, and they double as attractive storage in your new room.  I've had a bunch for years, and I love them.  They *just* fit in the space between my cabinets and the ceiling.  If you're changing grade levels or positions, they're perfect for storing items that you're not currently using but don't want to throw away.  This is a great time to pick some up, because they have them on sale for college kids.

3. Label, label, label!  Label the tops, and label the sides.  It may seem like a no-brainer, but seriously, it's probably the most important tip.  This is so helpful when you get to your new room.  You can easily sort through boxes to get to what you really need.  Be specific with labels, as much as you can.  Example- Math Manipulatives instead of just Math....Multiple Copy Chapter Books instead of just Books.  At the same time, don't waste a ton of time detailing exactly what's in each box.

4.  Pack as much as possible before loading up the boxes.  You'll want the heaviest boxes on the bottom of the skids, flat beds, or whatever you're using to move.  It's so easy to stack this way if you have a bunch of boxes packed. Then, you can organize them by size and weight on the skid.  You'll have a lot less spills this way.  It also prevents your materials from being smashed by heavy boxes.

5. Throw stuff out!  Purge, baby, purge!  If you haven't used it, and you don't forsee using it, throw that junk away!  Torn books, load of extra crayons, old posters, faded borders...pitch it!  You'll be so glad to have less to unpack.  I had 4 big bags of trash, and I've only been in that room for 3 years.

6.  Make friends with your movers.  In my case, the custodians move our skids whenever one of us changes classrooms.  Be kind to these people.  It's hard work moving somebody's stuff.  You're trusting them with your entire life of school things.  Thank you notes and treats are recommended!

7.  Ask for help.  More likely than not, some of your colleagues are going to be more than happy to help you.  You'll appreciate the help, even if it's just to put together boxes.  Don't try to be a super hero.  Boxing up a classroom is a big job, and it's exhausting.  Say yes, please, and thank them when you're finished.

8.  Dress comfy.  I hate sneakers, like really hate them. I only wear them for exercise.  Wear sneaks and old clothes for packing up your room.  It is way dustier than you think, and you'll do a lot of climbing.  I was pretty sore for a day or so after I packed up.  Boxing up a room isn't a beauty contest...thank goodness! I'd have lost if it was.

I hope this was a little bit helpful to you as your make a big move.  Moving is a lot of work, but change is always an opportunity for growth.  I love setting up a new room.  Get in touch if you have any questions!  Thanks for reading!


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Follower Friday- TPT Social Media Surge

Hey Friends!
Welcome to my blog and to Follower Friday for our TPT Social Media surge! I'm Lauren, the lady behind Teaching in Stripes.   I hope you've learned a lot already from my friends, Brynn and Caitlin.  Excellent and informative posts, girls! If you missed Wednesday and Thursday's posts, please catch up on them after you're finished reading.   

Today we're going to focus on some fabulous people to follow on Facebook.  We'll look at what they're doing that is really inventive, catchy, and works well.  Many of us have been using Facebook personally for a really long time and are now dipping into the business side of things to help market ourselves, our blogs, and our stores.  Today I'm featuring two teacherpreneurs who have been around for a while and have aced their game.  

My first feature is Hope King of Elementary Shenanigans.  Amazing lady! 

Notice that her profile picture and cover photo...they're very pleasing to look at.  Her cover photo uses a clean, bold font in colors that stand out.  It's easy to read, but it's also really attractive.  It's not too busy, but it's still interesting.  It also coordinates well with many of her products that she sells on TPT.  Her style translates across the board from her products into her social media and blog.  It's recognizable, which is something that we want.  We want others to recognize us and our brand.  Her profile picture is an actual photo of her, which I like.  I think it personalizes her page a bit.  

Hope posts on Facebook most days, and her posts definitely catch my attention.  Take a look at the graphic that she posted to advertise her upcoming Periscope session.
Cute, right?
It gets the information across, and it leaves you wondering about what she's going to show you on her classroom tour.  When you advertise that you're going to be Scoping, let your readers know about the topic.  Hope does this really well, and it makes me excited to watch her Scope.  (You may or may not know that she's a teacher at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta.  Seriously, how cool is that?!?!)  

Next, take a look at this Facebook post from earlier in the week.
Hope invites her readers to post questions that will be answered in a future blog post.  This is an excellent way to lead traffic to your blog.  A lot of us share articles and great posts that we see and include questions with those posts, but I love the idea of having your readers post questions to fuel a future blog post.  Again, a cool looking graphic with specific information.  I love that and think that it's really effective for her.  

My second feature is the amazing Cara Carroll of The First Grade Parade.  I know you all know her, she's a superstar just like Hope King.  

I've followed Cara for a long time, and I will always recognize her posts.  Like Hope, she has a distinct style.  This is important!  She uses fonts and graphics that are similar over and over.  Her style is whimsical and kind of shabby-chic. That always makes me think of the south, and she's a Texas blogger.  It fits her! Tailor your page to fit you.  You're representing yourself and your brand, so it should be something that is cohesive and true.  

Let's take a look at product advertisement. 
Here, Cara is advertising some of her wonderful products.  She does so in a manner that showcases her style and presents a professional looking graphic.  It isn't just a cover page.  By grouping multiple products together, it makes the reader want to browse around the store.  This will result in multiple sales, which is always a good thing.  

My last point is to focus on the type of content that your posting.  Advertising is our biggest platform, but you also want to engage your readers.  
You see here that Cara took time to ask her readers a thought provoking question.  This results in discussion, which results in traffic to your page.  We all want as much traffic as possible, right?  It also helps you to make connections with your readers.  It helps your readers get to know you.  I am often more likely to buy something from someone that I "know" (over the internet) and really like.  I want to support my friends and their ventures.  

Let's wrap it up with a few points to remember:
  • Engage your readers using discussion points. Use this to lead your readers to your blog or store.
  • Make your graphics eye catching and easy to read.
  • Make your style recognizable.  
  • Post often, but not so often that it's annoying. Daily works well. 

Thank you SO much for stopping by my blog!  I'm so glad that you did, and I hope you picked up a little bit of knowledge along the way.  Don't forget to share your successes with using #tptSMsurge. 

If you haven't already done it, be sure to download our social media planner and organizer.  It's a freebie!
TPT Social Media Planner, Organizer, Weekly Checklists
Have a great day!


Made It Monday- July 13th

Hey There!
Today I'm linking up with Fourth Grade Frolics for Made It Monday.

So, I actually haven't been making much for my classroom, yet.  I am moving from 3rd grade to 2nd grade, and I am unable to get into the actual classroom.  I don't really know the space or the curriculum all that well, yet.  I also don't have my regular computer with all of my cute stuff on it, and I hope to get it back sooner than later. Anyway, excuses, excuses, excuses.

We moved into our house last September, and one of my goals for the summer was to add some decor.  It's pretty bare.  I love, love, love color, and the house is all very neutral.  My husband isn't really into crazy color and pattern, so I'm trying to incorporate it into my artwork and decor.  Last week I whipped up a little piece to add to the gallery wall in our living room.  I was inspired by The Budget Babe, one of my favorite style bloggers.

Grab a bunch of paint chip cards from Home Depot or Lowes.  There are SO many gorgeous colors to choose from!  I think mine are the Behr brand from Home Depot.  

First I trimmed all my cards down to remove the print on them. I trimmed each one down to be about 1"x 3".  I chose these dimensions based on the space that I was using.  I used an 8"x10" frame.  The frame is a Ribba frame from Ikea- I love them! 
Once I had them all trimmed up, I laid my colors out to work out some combinations.  I ended up going with colors that were in the same family.  I just liked this better than complimentary colors.  Anything would work, though!

I laid my combinations out on the background paper to get a feel for the order.  I started with a black background, but I ended up going with the white.  I thought it looked calmer, and it hid the little white edges of the paint chips.  I chose a rainbow order, because I. love. rainbow.  I can't help it!  everything is better in rainbow order! 

I used double sided tape the adhere the pieces together and to stick them to my background paper.  It was so easy to work with.  This was a really quick and easy piece to make, and I'm very pleased with it!  It took me about 25 minutes from start to finish, which included digging out my craft supplies.  I can't wait to hang it up with the rest of the frames.  It's on the to-do list for the week!  

Also, how pretty is this pile of scraps?!?!
Love it! 

Thanks to Tara at 4th Grade Frolics, for hosting the linky!  I can't wait to check out a few more projects.  Take a look for yourself.  She always has great ideas linked up!
 Fourth Grade Frolics
Thanks for stopping by!



My Monthly Top Ten- Link Up!

I'm linking up with Hailey from The Third Grade Nest for my Monthly Top 10.   She chose tv shows for July, specifically those that we like to watch while working on blog or TPT business.

Here are mine...

I haven't religiously watched a series since The Office ended, but I tend to pick any one of the above if a rerun is showing.  I mean, when isn't Modern Family on????  Phil Dunphy is working hard!  

I am super excited for a new Project Runway to start in August.  I can never stay up late during the school year, so this is one that I binge watch on On Demand when I get free time and my husband isn't home.  I love Tim Gunn, but I will completely miss Michael's snarky commentary.   

If you haven't watch Impractical Jokers yet, please do.  It is stinking hilarious!  We get to laughing so hard at those guys.  The older episodes are definitely the funniest.  

I don't stay up to watch Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show, so I DVR it.  I just love him.  He's so funny, and I love the bits that he does.  Hashtags are my favorite, although the lip-sync battles are a close second.  He has the ability to make anyone seem hilarious.  I love when he has Justin Timberlake or Will Ferrell on.  I cannot get enough of the Tight Pants skits.  

I recently watched the first two seasons of Girls on HBO.  It's a little graphic, but I really liked it.  Lena Dunham is terrific.  

Thanks to Hailey for starting the new link up!  I'm a brand new blogger trying to get my feet wet and meet other bloggers, so I appreciate being able to participate.  Check out her blog and link up your own top 10!
The Third Grade Nest



Flash Freebie Day Tomorrow & Tuesday

Consider this a public service announcement! The awesome Briana over at Sun, Sand & Second Grade is having 2, that's right 2, full days of flash freebies on Monday and Tuesday.  She's reached 1,000 Facebook followers and is ready to celebrate!  You do not want to miss this!  I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us.  She has over 50 sellers that have donated a freebie to her.  Amazing, I tell you!  You have to visit her Facebook page to catch the flash freebies.  She's giving away a new freebie every 30 minutes.  Flash freebie means get it before it's gone.
Cooking with Fairy Tales- Recipes for Students and Teachers
I am giving away my Cooking with Fairy Tales file at 8:00 pm.  It's normally priced at $3.85, but it's going to be free tomorrow evening.  I've included 12 recipes to coordinate with 12 different fairy tales.  Each recipe has a recipe card with step-by-step instructions for students to follow and illustrate.  Cooking with Fairy Tales is an excellent addition to any fairy tale unit or genre study.  My students absolutely love when we use food!  The recipes are fun, simple, and pretty nutritious.  Get it while you can.  

Thanks to Briana for including me in her celebration!  
Check out her blog, Sun, Sand and Second Grade or her TPT store!
Sun, Sand, and Second Grade

Currently- July!

I'm excited to be doing my first Currently link-up with Farley!

Listening: The boom of fireworks is popping off everywhere around us tonight.  Thankfully my little ones are sleeping through it, and the pup isn't scared!  I'm hoping we'll be able to see some from our neighborhood tomorrow night.  It's our first summer in our home, so we'll have to wait and see! 

Loving: I don't know about you, but I feel like my weekends are consumed with errands and to-do's during the school year.  I love being able to do things at a calmer pace during the summer.  Costco is so much better on a Wednesday morning!  

Thinking: My hair is pretty long, and I think I may cut it.  My husband loves it long, but I just think that it's looking a little drab.  It's just so straight, and I hate the amount of time that it takes to blow dry it.  I'm not really good at doing hair, nor do I enjoy it.  The other thing is that I have another(!!!) crop of crazy post-partum hair growth coming in. What the heck!  My baby is almost 1.5, and I'm getting another weird mane in the back.  Ugh!  I'm back to pinning up pieces in the bag with barrettes anything I put my hair up, which let's be frank, is every single day during the summer.  

Wanting: We have a huge, blank wall in our living room that I want to turn into a gallery wall.  I finally gathered all of the frames from Ikea last weekend, so I'm hoping to get everything framed and hung by next weekend.  We went with the Ribba frames in gray, which I love because they're clean, light-weight and inexpensive.  We needed a lot of them to fill our space.  I'm thinking that I'll go with black and white photos and colorful graphic prints.  

Needing: My MacBook! I use my district issued MacBook for everything.  I love that thing!  We have a PC at home, but I hate it.  It's big, heavy, and just a dinosaur to use.  It always has to be plugged in, big pain in the rump.  I had to turn my Mac in for summer updates, and they're being super pokey about it.  Unfortunately, I'm unable to work on much of my TPT stuff on our other computer.  The files just don't convert well.  It's driving me nuts, because of all of the challenges going on.  I feel like I'm missing the boat, big time.  

All-Star: I love to mix patterns- in my clothes, my kids' clothes, my home, and on my TPT products.  I just love playing around with color and pattern to coordinate something interesting.  I know that not everyone appreciates pattern mixing, but I absolutely love it.  I'm not a super matchy-matchy person, so I'm loving that mixed patterns is on-trend for the time being.  I hope it never goes out of style.  

Thanks for reading!  Link up your own currently over at Farley's blog.  
Happy Independence Day!  


20 Favorites and a Little About Me

Since you've chosen to stop by my little ol' blog, let me introduce myself to you!

I'm married to the greatest guy named Chris who I met in college.  We went to Millersville University of PA- Go Marauders!  He is also a teacher, middle school ESL.  It's so great that we "get" that part of each other.  Chris also coaches football.  We have two littles.  Julia is almost 3, and Bennett is 16 months.  They keep me busy, busy, busy, and I love them to bits.   We have the greatest dog, and her name is Reggie.  Reggie is a 5 year old golden doodle.  


I've been selling on TeachersPayTeachers for about 3 years.  I was really into it before I had the kids and when I just had Julia, but since we've had Bennett, I've slowed down.  I love creating new things, and I love sharing them.  One of my biggest working goals to find the balance between my business and my family.  Time management can be a struggle for me.  Sometimes I just want to chill out during naps or when the kids go to bed and not work on my TPT or school stuff.  I think I may be a bit crazy trying to balance a family, house, and full-time teaching job with blogging and selling, but I'm giving it a whirl.  It never hurt anyone to try.

I have been teaching for 10 years.  I spent 2 years in 1st grade, 7 years in 3rd grade, and this year I'm moving down to 2nd grade.  I am thrilled about the move and really excited to work with amazing ladies and fun kiddos.  

20 of My Favorite Things
  1. Dogs, especially big fluffy ones
  2. Diet Coke, preferably fountain
  3. Navy Blue
  4. Stripes & Polka Dots- I'm a sucker for anything preppy. 
  5. Organization Systems- Although I am not very organized, I love a pretty container.  
  6. Office Supplies, which goes right along with the above
  7. Everything in rainbow order
  8. Tulips
  9. Shopping- It's my stress reliever, favorite hobby, and picker-upper. 
  10. Styling my closet- I love remixing what I have, since shopping isn't always an option. I'm definitely a fashionista on a budget.  
  11. Popcorn
  12. Ikea- I mean, who doesn't?
  13. Target- Again, who doesn't?
  14. Instagram
  15. Anything in gold metallic
  16. Monograms
  17. A vanilla cone with sprinkles 
  18. Baking- Honestly, though, who has time to bake with two little munchkins to chase after?!?!
  19. Love Actually
  20. Running- Slow and steady, but running is running.  
Thanks for taking the time read and spend some time on my little blog!

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